What's good, Say word I forgot I already had a Blogspot joint son?
Well okay let's see, I am thinking that some females have major issues and need some help. Any who, I'm feeling this shorty right. She's a little weird, but I like her weirdness. Maybe I'm holding back, I realized the females that I thought I did like, I really don't. Maybe I just got turned off by their closet craziness, I know I need to stop talking to the past. Shit is giving me a headache man.
Well My Giants are 7-1, I know some of you are mad(Stank ass birds). But if not us then who? And if not now, then when? We are the super bowl champs and we will show each and every team for now on we mean business.
Shout out to Frank(we gone make it 8-1 against yall son), 90 yards........
Shout out to Santana, word you got a shout out.
Shout out to Tania, She urged me to make one.
Ayyo, this has a been WheatBread production.....Peace
tania. said...
-raises roof.- I GOT A SHOUT OUT! And you better had made one. I was about to beat you down if you didnt. =P
November 3, 2008 at 11:42 AM